What to Expect

Thank you for your interest in the University Writing Center! The following information will prepare you to make the most of your session.

Who should use the Writing Center?

Everyone who writes anything!

We work with all types of writing from academic to creative. We work with all types of writers from the struggling to the brilliant. We work with you at all stages of the writing process from brainstorming a topic to drafting and developing ideas to polishing your grammar.

We can help you write:

  • Introductions, supporting points, and conclusions
  • A strong thesis and good research questions
  • Science lab reports
  • Literary masterpieces

A Writing Center appointment can give you an extra boost to help you tackle your writing assignments. We think of writing as a collaborative, social act. Before you write, you need to think. Talk to a thoughtful, intelligent, trained consultant who can help you jumpstart your thinking.

How to make an appointment:

You can schedule an appointment with a Writing Center Consultant by:

What to expect at your first appointment:

  • All appointments in the Writing Center start at the top of the hour, so plan to arrive at that time.
  • When you arrive, someone will greet you and ask you to fill out an intake form regarding what you would like to work on during your writing conference.
  • You will then be introduced to your writing consultant and the two of you will sit down at either a table or one of our computers, depending on your needs.
  • You and your writing consultant will work collaboratively on your assignment or project. If you are working on a class assignment, it is helpful if you bring the assignment prompt so your writing consultant can understand the expectations for the assignment.
  • Writing conferences last anywhere from ten to forty-five minutes.
  • At the end of your conference, the writing consultant will ask you to fill out an exit form regarding your visit.
  • If you would like to make a follow-up appointment before you leave, stop by the front desk and ask for another appointment. Students, alumni, and community members are allowed two sessions per week if available.

How to prepare for your first appointment:

  • Read the assignment prompt carefully and ask your professor any questions you may have regarding the assignment.
  • Read, or begin reading, any useful texts. If you need research help, the reference desk is an excellent resource.
  • You do not have to have a finished draft of your assignment to come to the Writing Center, we can help you regardless of where you are in the writing process!
  • Be ready to engage in discussion about your writing, to receive advice about it, and to seek ways to improve it.

When to schedule an appointment:

Feel free to come to the Writing Center at any stage of your writing process—from brainstorming a topic to polishing a final draft.

The more time you can give us in advance of an assignment’s due date the better.

Come early and come often!

What we cannot do:

  • We are not able to read papers in advance of an appointment.
  • We do not provide last-minute proofreading or editing services.